The inspiring reflections that members Dennis Williams and Tonya Wenger have presented over the last month, seeking stewardship campaign commitments for our 2020-2021 fiscal year have motivated many of you to complete your pledge forms! Thank you so much!
There are copies of the pledge brochure in the Gerber Room explaining this year’s campaign theme of “Toward Full Flowering,” asking members to consider their pledges as a way of helping the congregation do “more.”
As an additional incentive to make this “more” happen in our fiscal year that begins July 1, we have secured a promise of a “matching grant” from a generous member who will add dollar for dollar up to $10,000 for those who are able to increase their pledges for the 2020-21 fiscal year. The pledges of new members or previously unpledged members will count toward this match, too.
We’re already close to halfway toward reaching the maximum match!
To allow a budget to be put together based on the pledges in time for May’s Congregational Meeting, it would be great to have all pledges in by the end of March.