Month: December 2023

Univoice Weekly

Weekly News for the week of: December 31, 2023 This Sunday:     Online Only- Seeds for a New Year What seeds are you planting for the new year? How are you weaving your magic into your relationships with others? How can we center beauty and goodness and love in all that’s ahead? These questions are … Continue reading Univoice Weekly

Liberating Love

Years ago when the city of Baltimore was experiencing violence, my friend theRev. David Carl Olson said that “My liberation is tied up with yours.” He wasreferring to a quote that was not merely academic, but lived inside of him. “If youhave come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you … Continue reading Liberating Love

liberate love

by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director liberate lovedon’thold it inlet itflowthroughyoulike thelife forceit ispurepositiveenergycreatingcreation

Contemplative Companions

Join us on Monday 1/8 @ 7:00pm via zoom for our Contemplative Companions when we will wonder what it means to ‘go home by another way.’ For further information or to receive the zoom link, contact Nadine at  

Univoice Weekly

Weekly News for the week of: December 24, 2023 This Sunday:     Lessons and Carols December 24, 2023 at 7:00 pm Be with us on this cold, miraculous, joyful, mysterious night that ends in candlelight.  Merry Christmas! To attend by Zoom, click on this link: (If this is the first time you’re using zoom, you may … Continue reading Univoice Weekly

Next Jam Session!

Mark your calendars for the next Jam session on January 21st from 11:45-12:45 You don’t need to prepare anything or be the next Taylor Swift. Just come as you are. More details in 2024.

Upcoming Young Adult Con!

My name is Sean Nanos, and I am a member of the Young Adult Organizing Committee (YAOC) which is a group of UU young adults from the CER Region that has been planning and leading young adult events since 2020. In collaboration with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton (UUCB), YAOC is hosting a Young Adult con January 5-7, 2024 called DUUngeons & DragCONs which I am a co-dean of. … Continue reading Upcoming Young Adult Con!

Monthly Recorder Ensemble begins January 14 for interested musicians

We are hoping to get a regular recorder ensemble started at UU Berks!  The UU recorder ensemble ( 3-10 players) plays music of many different types, focusing primarily on renaissance and baroque music, but includes early classical, folk, and even some modern tunes!  We play soprano, alto, tenor, and bass recorders, but recorders come in many more sizes!

Beloved Conversations

Beloved Conversations is a program for people seeking to embody racial justice as a spiritual practice. Many members of First UU Berks have participated in this program prior to and following the congregational vote in 2020, when the 8th Principle was adopted in solidarity with UUA’s intention to formally vote in the 8th Principle. Your … Continue reading Beloved Conversations