Month: August 2021

Univoice Weekly

practicing self-care, renewing hope and fostering connection? What tools might you add to your resources? Today, we welcome members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Athens-Sheshequin and Cortland to our service.


“Gather the spirit of heart and mind. Seeds for the sowing are laid in store.  Nurtured in love, and conscience refined, with body and spirit united once more.” 

Contemplative Companions – September 13, 2021

Join us on Monday September 13th, @ 7:00pm for a “Contemplative Regathering” when we welcome Jane back to the circle (and maybe a few others who took a summer hiatus?). PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS THE SECOND MONDAY! Contact Nadine Smet-Weiss ( or 484-333-4015) for further information or to receive the zoom link for these gatherings.


nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director beloveds let us embrace beginning release the anxiety of arrival the journey is step by step in time punctuated by pauses  for  reflection restoration reorientation celebration between beginnings embraced

Univoice Weekly

This week we will have the opportunity to worship together with members and friends of UU Berks at another UU congregation. This Sunday we visit TUS – The Unitarian Society – in East Brunswick, NJ. The service will be led by their minister Rev. Karen G. Johnson.

Family Promise Back-to-School Bash for Youth- August 12th, 12-5pm

Please drop off donations at 325 N. 5th Street in Reading, between the hours of 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Thursday. For any questions, please reach out to Deborah at Back to School Wishlist: Notebooks, Folders, Pencils, Pens, Highlighters, Index cards, 3-ring Binders, Calculators, Bookbags, Napkins, Lunch bags, Reusable water bottles, White-out tape, Loose-leaf paper, Organizer/calendar planners, Post-it notes, 3-hole punch, … Continue reading Family Promise Back-to-School Bash for Youth- August 12th, 12-5pm

ADORE A Dialogue On Race and Ethnicity and The Listening Cafe

We have changed our meeting time to 7 PM on Sundays to accommodate parents and those folks who may be attending church in person.  We will continue in a virtual format for the foreseeable future.  On September 12th, at 7 PM we will be in conversation about systemic racism in the K-12 school systems.  We … Continue reading ADORE A Dialogue On Race and Ethnicity and The Listening Cafe