Month: May 2024


by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director we standat the thresholdexpectanteagerimaginingmay we find blessingin the unexpectedmay our eagernessbe temperedwith patiencemay we imagineboth change andbeing changedon our way tobecomingmay we pauseto grieveour unbecomingmay we welcome life

Will you be attending the Settled Minister Vote?

Greetings UUBerks Member By completing a two prompt survey, please inform us if you will be attending the Settled Minister Vote for Rev. John Cullinan following worship on Sunday, June 9th.   Here is the link: We need more than 60 people to hold the vote.  You can attend in-person or online via Zoom.  Please do all that … Continue reading Will you be attending the Settled Minister Vote?

Univoice Weekly

May 26, 2024: Humankind has created countless stories to try to explain the mystery that surrounds everything. That is all religion really is – people wondering about where we came from, why we are here, and what comes next. Today’s service invites us to join in that exploration.

Kids Coffee Hour

Our last Kids coffee hour of year is extra special! Make sure to sign up today to share what you’ll bring On Sunday – 6.2.24, all of our youth are invited from 9:30 – 10:15 to help prep for a special luncheon to greet and meet Rev John and his wife Jess. From 11:30-12 we … Continue reading Kids Coffee Hour