Month: April 2021

Save the Date

Our Spring congregational meeting will take place on Sunday May 16th following service via Zoom. All members are encouraged to attend to weigh in on and vote for issues that will affect the upcoming church year.

Contemplative Companions – May 3, 2021

Join us on Monday May 3rd, @ 7:00pm when we will explore and reflect on prayer flags in our world and our lives. Contact Jane Rohrbach ( or Nadine Smet-Weiss ( or 484-333-4015) for further information; contact Nadine to receive the zoom link for this gathering.

making story

nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director history lives through us even stories once silenced eventually emerge into the present like forgotten seeds germinating may we find the courage  to be good tenders of this new arising to embrace it fully flaws and all may we let love lead the way

Chalice lighting for our month of stories

Our chalice lighting for the month is from Robin Shaw. She asks us to remember our stories. As you read or proclaim her words. What story comes up for you? What story do you need to remember? What story do you need to create?

Univoice Weekly

Becoming More Comfortable with Change. Rev. Sage Olnick. Change is hard and inevitable. Join us this Sunday as we consider how change helps us to become our best selves.

Univoice Weekly

Contemplative Companions Service.
Join us this Sunday as members of our Contemplative Companions group look deep within, and to the outer reaches of the cosmos, as they explore the role of our beliefs in the process of becoming. 

Shut Down Berks Honk-in & Vigil

Sunday, April 18, 3:30-4:30Terminate the contract between Berks Co & ICEEnd Family Detention PERMANENTLY Honk-in at 3:30pmVigil at 4pm across from the detention center1040 Berks Road, Leesport, PALed by Pennsylvania Council of Churches – Rev. Sandy Strauss(Honk-in—meet at 3:15 pm in side parking lot next to the Berksheim—honk-in to begin soon after that; Watch for … Continue reading Shut Down Berks Honk-in & Vigil