Month: October 2020

Univoice Weekly

Dia de Los Muertos. Cesar Martinez-Garza, Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. Join us for our annual celebration of Dia de Los Muertos led by Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees and Cesar Martinez-Garza. This year will feature a virtual ofrenda of our beloveds who have died.

Contemplative Companions – November 2020

Join us on Monday November 2nd, @ 7:00pm when gather together to contemplate Color, and the role it plays in our lives. Contact Jane Rohrbach ( or Nadine Smet-Weiss ( or 484-333-4015) for further information; contact Nadine to receive the zoom link for this gathering.

Univoice Weekly

Listening to the Wise Ones: Elders, Ancestors, The Other.
Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. This morning we’ll reflect on the practice of Deep Listening that honors our wise ones. What wisdom do our elders, ancestors, and the other have to teach us?