Month: January 2022

Univoice Weekly

It takes persistence to fulfill our intentions in the world. We have to keep trying. The little engine that could offers us some timeless wisdom about how to keep on trying, even when something is hard.

Doing Church Together

Reopening to Onsite Religious Education for children Sunday Feb 20th
Expanding Religious Education for adults Sunday Feb 20th
(read on for important details)

Moving in Circles

I have always found a need to create.  I remember wanting my creations to be perfect.  For a while I wanted to work on something until it was “done.”  A circle was not a circle until it was complete.  But what happens if we try to widen that circle?  What happens when we leave a … Continue reading Moving in Circles

Widening the Circle

I live my life in widening circles… I circle around God, around the primordial tower. I’ve been circling for thousands of years and I still don’t know: am I a falcon, a storm, or a great song? Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Joanna Macy This month we are considering what it would mean to live … Continue reading Widening the Circle

A Message From FUUBC Leadership Regarding Ministerial Transition

Dear Members and Friends,  By now, you have hopefully heard the news of our Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees’ retirement from full-time ministry at UUBerks. If not, you can read her message here. The Board of Directors and the Ministry & Operations (M&O) Team at UUBerks are reaching out to the congregation with a follow-up message … Continue reading A Message From FUUBC Leadership Regarding Ministerial Transition

Contemplative Companions – February 7th, 2022

Join us on Monday January 7th, @ 7:00pm. Through readings, reflection and sharing we will consider what it means to live into the mystery of our lives. Contact Nadine Smet-Weiss ( or 484-333-4015) for further information or to receive the zoom link for these gatherings.

full circle

by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director having come full circle it may seem we have gotten nowhere until we share the story of our journey realizing how far  we have come and thus filled   we begin again

Univoice Weekly

What are your deepest intentions? How do you stay true to them? This morning we’ll explore some simple everyday practices to help answer those questions.

Did You Know?

Did you know that registration is no longer required to attend in person service? All you need to do it submit your vaccination card one time to our office where it will be kept on file for you to attend upcoming service and events. Did you know that recordings of past services are available on … Continue reading Did You Know?