Month: December 2020

Univoice Weekly

The Invisible String.  Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. As UUs we talk a lot about the importance of connection and interconnection. Sometimes, though, it can be hard to see what binds us to friends, family, and communities when we are separated. What do we do during those times?

Contemplative Companions – January 2021

Join us on Monday January 4th, @ 7:00pm when gather together to imagine. . . . Contact Jane Rohrbach ( or Nadine Smet-Weiss ( or 484-333-4015) for further information; contact Nadine to receive the zoom link for this gathering.

Univoice Weekly

A Winter Solstice Celebration: Lessons and Carols. Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. This morning we celebrate the return of nature’s light during the stillness of the Winter Solstice in story and song.

Imagination Mondays

This month we get to go on a journey. This journey will be one with infinite possibilities! Where we’ll go is only limited to the limits of our imaginations. Will you go on this journey with me?

Minister’s Discretionary Fund & UU Berks Covid Fund

During Rev. Sandra Fees’s sabbatical, Jane Rohrbach, member of the Caring Circle and Nadine Smet-Weiss, member of Ministry & Operations and Treasurer, will be responding to requests for assistance from the Minister’s Discretionary Fund & the UU Berks Covid Fund. These funds are intended to provide one-time financial support for members and friends of our … Continue reading Minister’s Discretionary Fund & UU Berks Covid Fund

From Sandra’s Study

January 2021 – Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees As we begin 2021, I’ll be on sabbatical. It’s an interesting time to take a sabbatical. I’ve been spending time thinking about these coming months and how to spend this time in ways that provide spiritual, emotional, and intellectual renewal. I’m looking forward to some simple pleasures – … Continue reading From Sandra’s Study

FUUBC Gives TPUC Donation to the Helping Harvest Food Bank

We are pleased to announce that last week, through the organization of our Social Justice team and a grant from The Pennsylvania Universalist Convention, FUUBC was able to present the Helping Harvest Food Bank with a check for $2000.00. Board President Lynn O’Brien: “I was so happy to give this donation to HH on behalf … Continue reading FUUBC Gives TPUC Donation to the Helping Harvest Food Bank

all that is

by nadine j. smet-weiss all that is was once  imagined the seed of possibility unbroken until  it cracked opened to being we are surrounded by immersed in made of imagination our source our sustenance our solace our strength