Our Minister
Rev. John Cullinan

  • The Mind of the Minister
    It was the fourth day of our caravan drive to Reading. We were on a particularly long leg, leaving Lincoln, Nebraska and pushing all the way to Chicago. By about 7pm, we’d reached Rockford, Illinois and the limits of hunger. The city offered many options, so many that decision fatigue set in fast. Whenever that ...

Director of Music
Elizabeth “Ebee” Bromley
  • Under Construction
    The pursuit of learning an instrument takes countless hours outside of what anyone hears from the stage.  It’s hours in the practice room by oneself.  It’s exploring how different parts of the music fit together.  It’s considering how we will let that music breathe through our technique.  It’s asking what is resonant, what is dissonant, ...
Religious Director
Elizabeth “Ebee” Bromley
  • To Dance With The Wind – An Invitation
    The first time I went sailing was with my uncle.  He invited me out for an afternoon, on a tiny four person sailboat when I was around 14 years old.  His family rented the time and the boat for a few hours while they hosted me on one of the first weeks away from my ...
Spiritual Director
Nadine Smet-Weiss
  • listen
    by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director shhhhhlistenfor the soundof your ownbreathsettle into the experienceof lifeflowingthrough youbewith yourbeing