
Rev. John Cullinan
- Coach Lasso and the Beloved CommunityI’ve recently started a rewatch of Apple TV’s Ted Lasso (this and The Good Place are my emotional support binge-watches). For those unfamiliar with the show, it’s a fish out of water comedy about an American college football coach hired to lead a struggling English Premiere League football (soccer) team. But it’s not a show ...

Elizabeth “Ebee” Bromley
- In The Beginning …The practice of story. That’s our theme for the month of January. Good stories have a beginning, middle and an end. Great stories don’t get old when you repeat them. As I return to you from parental leave and we begin this month of practicing stories – I’m thinking of the lullabies that have been ...

Elizabeth “Ebee” Bromley
- Inclusion Affirmations a tool for Liberating LoveHow do we practice liberating love through inclusion? It starts at home. This practice starts with you. Liberating Love starts with Us. On Sunday morning we light a chalice. Do you light a chalice at home? In these days where liberation for so many of us feels quite distant, we need to lean into practices ...

Nadine Smet-Weiss
- ode to rumi and rilkeby nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director this being humanis a guest houselet our livingbe an answerto the questionof what it means towelcome all that comestreat each guest honorablyand recognize eachas a guidefrom beyondGuestHouse_RumiLive the Questions