Our Minister
Rev. Amy DeBeck
  • The Interim Time is Ending in Renewal
    We would know that Renewal is in the air, even if Soul Matters did not share itstheme. It is time to go into the next church year, celebrating this past year, with allof the planning and joy and anticipation of each year’s transition PLUS a newminister! Our time together has been a time of transition, ...

Director of Music
Elizabeth “Ebee” Bromley
  • Under Construction
    The pursuit of learning an instrument takes countless hours outside of what anyone hears from the stage.  It’s hours in the practice room by oneself.  It’s exploring how different parts of the music fit together.  It’s considering how we will let that music breathe through our technique.  It’s asking what is resonant, what is dissonant, ...
Religious Director
Elizabeth “Ebee” Bromley
  • Creating Joy Together
    From the desk of your director of religious education, Ebee Bromley What we offer at UUBerks doesn’t get created without each and every one of you.  So this summer we’re highlighting reflections from our community members about what it means to them to co-create our community.  When it comes to learning and exploring our spiritual world ...
Spiritual Director
Nadine Smet-Weiss
  • this season
    by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director this seasonallow some spacein your daysmoments ofpresenceto witnessthe beautyof this worldtake it inthen let it shinethrough you