Month: March 2022


by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director now  is the season to come alive awaken to the power of the light you bear embody  the gifts that are yours to give open your arms to receive what others live to share now is the season to come alive awaken to the love you are

“I was today years old when…”

Another way to put this is “I was today years old when…” captures one way to draw from our first of six UU sources “the sense of wonder we all share.”
What understanding did you wake up to lately?

Univoice Weekly

Too often societal messages tell us we can’t trust in life. Our UU faith disagrees. This morning we’ll explore the everyday joys and gifts that can renew our trust in life’s goodness and abundance.

Contemplative Companions – April 4th, 2022

Join us on Monday April 4th, @ 7:00pm. We will be taking a contemplative pause, in the midst of life’s chaos, turning our attention to the “angels among us.” Contact Nadine Smet-Weiss ( or 484-333-4015) for further information or to receive the zoom link for these gatherings.

A Lenape Among the Quakers: The Life of Hannah Freeman

Join the Chester County Historical Society on Wednesday, April 13, at 7 pm, for a “pay as you wish” lecture on Zoom about Hannah Freeman. The historical society writes: “On July 28, 1797, an elderly Lenape woman stood before the newly appointed almsman of Pennsylvania’s Chester County and delivered a brief account of her life. In a sad … Continue reading A Lenape Among the Quakers: The Life of Hannah Freeman