As part of Interim Minister search, we are completing a congregational profile. To do this we need to get input from our congregation to answer the following 6 questions: Describe your Congregation and its culture. What are the top three things your next minister should focus on to have a successful ministry with you?Desired strengths of the minister. Ongoing momentum we would like to continue. Programs and traditions we want to maintain. Trust in the congregation (describe). To get congregational input, community members have three options and should try to participate in ONLY ONE: 1) Virtual Zoom small group sessions on Wednesday, March 30, 7:00-8:00 PM Meeting ID: 946 4686 4169 2) In-person small group sessions after church on Sunday, April 3 from 11:30-12:30 3) An online survey that can be completed by the end of March (link to survey provided soon) |