Month: August 2022

Belonging To One Another

In all that we belong to and in all that we do this church year, may we seek with open minds, may we nurture with loving hearts and may we serve with helping hands. Blessed be and Amen.

Univoice Weekly

Join Dan Matz this morning for a musical and story filled meditation.  We’ll explore how his views of life after death have changed following his experience in 2020 with a two month long hospital and rehab stay fighting covid.  Leave the service after practicing living in the present moment through listening to original music by Dan Matz written within the past two years.

Fun Events with LGBT Center of Greater Reading 

1) The FUUBC Social Justice Coordinating Committee is willing to support the $80 ticket price of a congregant/or congregants who would like to go to “Prom”.If you would like to attend with financial assistance, please email your interest to On Saturday, September 10, 2022 from 5-10PM the LGBT Center of Greater Reading is hosting our signature … Continue reading Fun Events with LGBT Center of Greater Reading 

Solar Subcommittee

Last year we used 37,640 cubic feet of natural gas to heat our buildings.  According to the website that equates to 20.6 metric tons of CO2.  I believe that we can do better. Solar power has been an ongoing interest of the Building Keepers for a few years. With our church’s strong commitment to environmental and social responsibility, … Continue reading Solar Subcommittee


by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director belonging be longing longing to be becoming be coming the two betwined our most authentic becoming revealing the deep truth of our  belonging

Univoice Weekly

In this service we will take a sincere and good-humored look at change over time. We will think about how we have changed and how these changes afford us openings to acknowledge what is different, and to find the wonderful space within us for new relationships and growth.

RE Registration for 2022-2023

Registration is open now for our program year. We have some exciting things planned and look forward to what will emerge as we seek, nurture and serve together this year! To let us know how you plan to engage with our programs this year please visit. Registered families will receive occasional mailings including birthday … Continue reading RE Registration for 2022-2023