Month: December 2019

Trans Inclusion: Welcome as Spiritual Practice

The Welcoming Congregation team will host a workshop focusing on transgender inclusion in congregations entitled Introduction to a beloved Community: Welcome as a spiritual practice on Feb 2 2020 in the sanctuary at noon. It will run for 45 minutes with audience discussion Please sign up on the sheet on Gerber room bulletin board.

Univoice Weekly

Worship Service: As we find ourselves amidst the Winter holiday season, we are reminded of the radically transient nature of our existence by the coming to an end of the year and the decade. As we also start to look forward, this morning’s service will explore how a skillful relationship to impermanence can allow us to not only avoid the suffering caused by unreasonable expectations but also to appreciate the miraculous nature of the present moment, something which the world’s many wisdom traditions point towards at this time of year.

holy honest

i depend upon you to remind me who i am at heart and to hold me accountable for my actions accountable for my words from a place in your heart that recognizes community calls us to truth in love

Univoice Weekly

Worship Service: When have you followed your star? Together we’ll explore this question in a lively all-ages celebration of the Christmas story and science.

Rev. Sandra’s Schedule

Rev. Sandra will be on study leave/vacation from Dec. 26 through Jan. 13. She will respond to pastoral emergencies during that time. For all other concerns, please contact the church office, a member of the Caring Circle, or a member of the Board.–

Making Integrity

To have integrity is to watch how your actions affect you and those around you – is your jenga tower wobbling or is it solid? When do you need to put a piece back? When do you need to pull a piece out and go out on a limb?


Are you looking for a way to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s call for a Beloved Community? Here is one way to serve your neighbors in need.  From Jan 19 – Feb 2, 2020, we will host Helena’s and Kilsey’s families in our church as they emerge from their housing crisis. Since they stayed with … Continue reading TIME TO VOLUNTEER