Month: September 2023

Univoice Weekly

In light of the 275th Anniversary parade taking place this Sunday in Reading and the road closures that go along with that, we will be joining our friends at UU Somerset Hills for service via Zoom.

Heritage for October 2023

These days, I approach the word “heritage” very carefully.  So many traditions and customs, when carefully inspected through our 21st century lens do not hold up.  They were charming at one time, but only accessible to a privileged few.  As we see things through more … read more.

Sacred Chain

by nadine j. smet-weiss

spiritual director



to the whisper

of your heart

re minding you

to re member

who you are

essential link

in a sacred chain

of being


to a blessing

Considering Membership Class

We will be holding a considering membership class on 11/12 following service. Come learn more about what our church community has to offer and you can become a part of it.

Contact for more info.

Get A Blessing for Your Bag or Device!

UUBerks Device/Bag Blessing Sticker or Pin

Here at UUBerks, we take time to renew, recommit and set a course for the months ahead.  This is our annual bag / device blessing.

Some of us came to the church sanctuary with our backpacks, purses, wallets, briefcases or other … read more.