Month: September 2021

Univoice Weekly

Historically, when others were preaching about a sinful world, our Unitarian Universalist religion saw potential. How about you? Are you trusting what’s possible and remaining hopeful and vulnerable?

cultivating connection

nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director go slow look around take notice pause pay attention unhurry be  here now this season this day this moment this breath this life connected

Cultivating Relationships

From Sandra’s Study, October 2021 What is it that gives you the power to make that change, to ask that question? What is it that says you have done well, that brings you to stillness, that holds you up in hard times? It is relationship, the beating heart of our faith. The Heart of Our … Continue reading Cultivating Relationships

Meet the Minister

Sunday, October 24, 11:30 am-12:15 pm Zoom Platform We are offering this time for people who are new to UU Berks and would like to spend time with our minister, Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, in a small-group environment. The conversation will be an opportunity to learn more about Unitarian Universalism, meet other newcomers, and ask questions … Continue reading Meet the Minister

Univoice Weekly

We all make mistakes, and when we do, it can seem like things will never be repaired. We might imagine we’ll always feel bad and people won’t trust us again. Join us this morning as we explore the complexities of saying “I’m sorry” and how apologies can offer us the possibility of beginning again. Our worship service will be held virtually by zoom.

Univoice Weekly

Ingathering and UU Water Communion. Ebee Bromley, Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. Water connects us as a community and as human beings no matter where we are. This morning we celebrate our connection with the Unitarian Universalist Water Communion, in which we gather water into a common bowl as we reflect on what we are thirsting for – for ourselves and our world.