Under Construction Wednesday July 24th, 2024 -

The pursuit of learning an instrument takes countless hours outside of what anyone hears from the stage.  It’s hours in the practice room by oneself.  It’s exploring how different parts of the music fit together.  It’s considering how we will let that music breathe through our technique.  It’s asking what is resonant, what is dissonant, ...

The Dance of Pluralism Wednesday April 24th, 2024 -

Pluralism and the ways it’s shown up in our congregational music over time.

Let Yourself Be Transformed! Wednesday February 21st, 2024 -

Have you ever been transformed by a piece of music? Maybe that’s to lofty a question. Have you ever felt or thought one thing before a song came on the radio or before a rehearsal and then felt completely different when that musical moment was finished? I still have seared into my bones how experiencing Ralph ...

The Gift of Liberating Love Thursday December 21st, 2023 -

How do we access liberating love? How do we notice the love that is here? The love that could be here if we nurture it, if we say yes to it? Sometimes a song can help us do that. For me a song that acts as the key to open the door ...

Listen Generously… Wednesday October 25th, 2023 -

May we all be generous music lovers and music makers this month.