Special Plate Nominations Being Accepted

The Special Plate Program aims to promote the well-being of our broader community in a collaborative manner that demonstrates the principle of the sacred interdependent web of all existence and our value of Generosity through the sharing of faith, presence, and resources. In 2023, we donated over $4800 to eight local organizations.
At our May Congregational Meeting, we resolved to add TWO more organizations to our Special Plate Program (for a total of ten). This is your opportunity to nominate other community partners. We will compile the list of candidates for a vote at the December Congregational Meeting. 

You may email your nominations to g.social.justice@uuberks.org or use this form to submit as many organizations as you’d like. So far, folks have suggested Habitat for Humanity, Connections Works, SpotlightPA, Healing Garden (under Cafe Esperanza), NAACP Reading Branch, and the GRIP Dreamer Scholarship Fund.   
Special Plate NOMINATIONS    Please respond by Oct 1, 2024.

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