Coming Together: The Installation of Rev. John Cullinan at UU Berks

In the Unitarian Universalist tradition, the installation of a new minister is a profound and joyful occasion—one that marks the coming together of minister and congregation in a shared covenant of ministry. It is a time to celebrate the journey that has brought us to this moment and to embrace the future we will build together.

Our congregation, along with Rev. John and his wife, Jess, have traveled separate paths to arrive at this moment in time to  step forward in partnership to shape the future of our church.

An installation is a rare and significant event, akin to the ordination of a new minister, and one that many of us may be witnessing for the first time. It is an opportunity to come together as a faith community, to honor this sacred transition, and to celebrate with joy and purpose.

Let us gather in excitement, mark this milestone with intention, and take our first steps forward—together.  All members and friends of UU Berks are invited to attend the installation service at 3pm on Saturday, March 29th at 3:00pm.  There will be catered hors d’ oeuvres in the reception that follows.

Mike Mannix, UU Berks Board President

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