Univoice Weekly

Weekly News for the week of:
March 22, 2020
This Sunday:
Zoom Service-How Music Sustains Us

This Sunday we will explore how music sustains us through difficult times. We will meet for worship via zoom.

For Sunday’s worship, we are using the Zoom conferencing platform. It is easy to Zoom from a computer, tablet, or phone! Here is how you do it:

  • With a computer, smartphone or tablet, click on this link to participate: https://zoom.us/j/562036166. (If it’s the first time you’re using zoom you may be prompted to download a launcher app.)
  • With a land-line, cell phone, or smartphone (audio only)
    • dial this number to participate: 1-646-558-8656.
    • When prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 562 036 166.

Please plan to log on by 10:20 or 10:25 am so that you can establish a connection before worship is scheduled to begin. Please note that your mic will be muted when you join this Sunday and will remain muted for the service. For future services, we will be offering more interactive options including breakout rooms for small group sharing.

We are also working on adding our Zoom service recordings to our website and exploring options for captioning. We are hoping to have these options available by next week. 

This Week in RE:
All Ages: Children are encouraged to join our Zoom service this Sunday

Youth Group:
Youth Group: meeting at 11:45 to continue exploration of Buddhism with Joanna. You should have already received the meeting link. Email Ebee at elizabeth.bromley@uuberks.org if you need the link.

Have you seen our new website?
Check it out at UUBerks.org
Reflection Questions While Sheltering at Home

Dear Members and Friends, Here’s a great list of questions for reflection for yourself and your families. You might trying using a different one to start each day. Or maybe there’s one that really speaks to you that you want to use for daily reflection. I’ll also be using these as points of sharing during during small online group checks in at church.

With Love,

Rev. Sandra

Giving in a time of coronavirus
We know that these are uncertain times and that some of our members and friends are being impacted financially as well as in so many other ways. For those who are able to make a gift or continue to contribute to their pledge, we have added some options. In addition to accepting checks and signing up for electronic giving, you can also now make your gifts from the website and via text. Here are the details:
  • You can now give online on our website UUberks.org by clicking on the online giving tab or clicking
  • You can also give by downloading the GivePlus app on google play and the App store below. You can easily locate our church by zip code 19602

Are You in Need of Resources?

Are you experiencing financial or grocery needs? The church community can provide a box of dry-goods groceries on a Thursday for pick up at the church or grocery cards to shop at Giant or Weis. For assistance with these or other needs, please contact by email Rev.Dr. Sandra Fees or the church office. You may call the church office at 610-372-0928 or email office@uuberks.org

UU the Vote: Apply for a PA Mail In or Absentee Ballot

Let’s ensure that we can all vote during the Pennsylvania primary on April 28 by applying now for a mail in or absentee ballot. You can check your voter registration status and apply for a mail in or absentee ballot here

Midweek Mindfulness with Rev. Sandra

Join Rev. Sandra for a 30-minute midweek mindfulness time of spoken meditation, chalice lighting, and quiet. Wednesday, March 25, 7:30-8 pm.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 384 524 7860
By phone: +1 646 876 9923  Meeting ID: 384 524 7860

Clean Up Our City, and Celebrate Spring Together!-Postponed

The Spring Clean-Up and Celebration has been postponed, due to the safety precautions necessary in response to the Covid-19 virus.  We will Clean-Up and celebrate Autumn!  Mark your calendars for September 19.

Members, Please Beware: Church Phishing Scam Using Fake Email

Dear members and friends, please beware of any suspicious emails you may receive attempting to impersonate me and asking you for gifts cards or money. Many ministers and congregations are being subjected to these phishing scams. The way it works is that someone creates a fake email address impersonating the minister’s. They send the email

 out to church members asking the recipient to purchase gift cards to help out someone desperately in need with the promise to pay them back.

This week a few of you received such a phishing email from someone impersonating me. (My account has not been hacked.) Please do not respond to these emails and be sure to block them.

Also note that my correct church email address is: minister@uuberks.org. Please do not use or respond to any other email addresses for me. My apologies for any inconvenience.

Rev. Sandra (minister@uuberks.org)

Indigenous Peoples’ Book Read and Workshop led by Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees

*This workshop will now be held online and by phone via Zoom

Workshop: Sunday, March 29, Noon-1:30 pm (book reading period: mid-January-March 2020)

Join in reading and reflecting on the award-winning book, An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. This narrative upends myths and misinformation, reconsiders the U.S. origin story taught in most schools, and presents US history through the experiences and perspectives of indigenous peoples.

This program is being hosted by UU Berks ADORE (A Dialogue on Race & Ethnicity, formerly the Racial Justice Education Team).

Join Zoom Meeting https://uuma.zoom.us/j/3845247860

Meeting ID: 384 524 7860

By Phone: +1312-626-6799,,
Meeting ID: 384 524 7860

Upcoming events

Youth Group – Virtual

Sun, March 22, 11:45 AM

RE Committee Meeting -postponed

Sun, March 22, 12:00 PM

Guitar Rehearsal –link to virtual meeting will be emailed

Mon, March 23, 7:45 PM

Zoom Tuesday @ 10 AM with Rev. Sandra

Tue, March 24, 10:00 AM

Soul Matters Conversation

Tue, March 24, 7:00 PM

Choir Rehearsal -via zoom

Wed, March 25, 7:00 PM

Midweek Mindfulness with Rev. Sandra

Wed, March 25, 7:30 PM

Youth Group – Virtual

Sun, March 29, 11:45 AM

Indigenous Peoples’ History of the US Workshop

Sun, March 29, 12:00 PM

March’s theme: Wisdom

What Does It Mean To Be a People of Wisdom?

There are many ways to seek wisdom. There is travel, there are masters, there is service. There is staring into the eyes of children and elders and lovers and strangers. There is sitting silently in one spot and there is being swept along in life’s turbulent current. Life itself will grant you wisdom in ways you may neither understand nor choose.

~ Kent Nerburn

Wisdom is everywhere and nowhere. It is within our reach and often elusive. It is outside us, beyond us. We can spend our lives seeking it–acquiring more and more experiences, accumulating knowledge, and looking to gurus and masters for meaning and guidance.

But sometimes we need to stop and see how wisdom is showing up from within us. Listening to our own teacher, to our own intuition, our inner voice, can be powerful and profound. How well are you doing at listening to your own inner teacher as well as heeding the counsel of others? When’s the last time your still small voice gave you just the insight you needed all along? This month as we explore the many sources of wisdom, be sure to take time to explore your own inner voice. It just may be the key that unlocks some wisdom you’ve been waiting for.

Yours in love,

Rev. Sandra

Balancing Knowledge and Wisdom

From your Director of Music
Elizabeth Bromley

“Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification. ”

– Martin H. Fischer

In rehearsal we focus on the balance between piling up of skills and then in performance we strive to let all of the details go and focus on the moment at hand.

In rehearsal we’re focused on the rhythm and the notes and the text and the dynamics And and And and And…..

Letting all of the details become one simplified idea can be so hard.

All of the details can seem so important that engaging with the whole picture, the whole piece of music can become challenging.

It is often only in a dress rehearsal, the time right before a performance, that we give ourselves permission to move away from the details and experience the whole piece.

Great conductors know to check the “balance” of an ensemble.  Either they’ll ask someone to move to the far corners of a room and report what they hear to the conductor or they themselves will move away from right in front of the group and conduct from a further distance than normal to hear how the different sounds are blending in the room.  Are the lower sounds louder than the higher sounds, can we hear each individual part or are some parts not coming through?

The simplification comes when we can create distance from the piece we’re focusing on and it truly helps our wisdom when we can share our perspectives with many folx.  In what ways is it easy for you to find a “balcony perspective” with moments in your life? In what ways do you need to ask someone else to share with you their “balcony perspective”?

In Harmony,

Ebee Bromley

The Wisdom of A Wise Old Owl

From Your Director of Religious Education
Elizabeth Bromley

A Wise Old Owl

A wise old owl lived in an oak.
The more they saw the less they spoke.
The less they spoke the more they heard.
Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?

Wisdom shared to you from the SoulMatters Religious Education Materials for our Seeds class (PreK-K group).

Questions to play with in this month of wisdom:
What helps you see, hear, smell, touch & taste your world?
How can you experience more of your world this month?

Yours in the wisdom of questions,

Ebee Bromley,
Director of Religious Education


by nadine j. smet-weiss

spiritual director






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