Speaker: Rev. John Cullinan

Our Promise to the Future

What is the church’s promise to itself and the wider world? And how do we go about making good on it? To attend by Zoom, click on this link: uuberks.org/zoom-worship. (If this is the first timeyou’re using zoom, you may be prompted to download a launcher app). To connect by phone (audio only):   1) Dial the phone number: … Continue reading Our Promise to the Future

The Great Pluralism Experiment

Our Soul Matters theme for February is “Living Love Through the Practice of Inclusion.” This week, we take a look at one of the goals of inclusion – a pluralistic society – and the role of a congregation in striving for it.

Are We Awake?

For MLK Sunday, some reflections on Dr. King’s 1966 Ware Lecture to the UU General Assembly.

New Year’s Release

On average, New Year’s resolutions have a lifespan of 18-30 days. Instead of starting something new, why not kick off our new year with contemplation on what we need to let go of in the months to come?

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Join us for our annual service of lessons and carols, followed by a Christmas cookie reception. Tonight’s offering with benefit our Minister’s discretionary fund to aid those in need in our community.

Don’t Look Away

In part two of our series on “The Practice of Presence” we explore what it means to “bear witness.”

Being There

December’s Soul Matters theme is “The Practice of Presence.” This week, in part one of a two-part series, we look at the ways we show up and remain present for life’s joy and woe.