Month: August 2020

Univoice Weekly

Harvesting the Power of “We”. Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. Spiritual community is a place to show up, belong, lament, renew commitments, keep hope alive, celebrate, and make meaning of our lives amid uncertainty and tumult. This morning we’ll strive to “harvest the power” of our UU community at this moment in our nation and the world following the shooting of Jacob Blake and the protests in Kenosha and amid the ongoing pandemic and upcoming national election.

Contemplative Companions September 2020

Join us on Monday September 14th, @ 7:00pm when explore, reflect and share about sacred spaces – what makes them sacred? Contact Jane Rohrbach ( or Nadine Smet-Weiss ( or 484-333-4015) for further information; contact Nadine to receive the zoom link for this gathering.

Worship Options for Sunday September 6th

This week we will not be holding worship at UU Berks on September 6th. Members and friends are encouraged to worship at a neighboring congregation (virtually). We recommend the options below. Please note that Annapolis and Bethlehem begin at 10:30 and State College at 10.   UU Fellowship of Centre County, State College, PA Changing Face … Continue reading Worship Options for Sunday September 6th

A People of Renewal

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman For Unitarian Universalists, September is a time of homecoming. It’s a time of coming home to church and renewing ourselves … Continue reading A People of Renewal

these days

nadine j. smet-weiss when your heart breaks and everything goes dark for a moment that feels like forever and you wonder whether this is the end or the beginning trust the beginning let your heart remain open let life touch you more deeply let love flow more fully let the unnameable mystery renew you

Univoice Weekly

Blessing Our Devices. Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. As we move into the Fall, some of us are returning to school in person, others are learning online. Some are working from home, others in an office or in person environment, and still others are retired or unemployed. But all of us are carrying things with us through our days – whether virtually or in a backpack or carry bag. This morning we’ll get a peak into what some of our church families carry – and bless our devices for the coming season.

Univoice Weekly

Matthew Owen. How might we not just avoid but in fact tear down “idolatries of the mind and spirit,” in this time of great social upheaval and crying out for justice?

Univoice Weekly

Weekly News for the week of: August 9, 2020 This Sunday: The Virtue of Reverence August 9, 2020 at 10:30 am Rev. Sage Olnick As Unitarian Universalists, we hold dear the interconnection of our lives and all that is. We commit ourselves to address not only what is, but also what we hope for and … Continue reading Univoice Weekly