Weekly News for the week of:
June 19, 2022
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This morning’s service is a fun interactive celebration of our Unitarian Universalist Principles, including our 8th Principle. Join us as we build a metaphorical sundae of principles in worship and celebrate with an ice cream social and coffee hour afterwards. This is Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees’s last Sunday with us. Our collection will benefit Berks Stands Up.
 Tonight – FRIDAY
7:00 PM:
From Our SoulMatters Team: ““Here’s a story that explores and celebrates the blessings of an imaginary friend. Frida was a lonely child after she got polio and had to stay by herself for months. But she met an imaginary friend who helped her get well and be happy. Frida Kahlo grew up to become a world-famous artist and used her imaginary friend in some of her art.”
Little Frida by Anthony Browne Read Aloud Link & Berks Library Catalog link
9:45 AM :Adult RE
In Person: in 1st floor chalice house
Summer RE Starts our Principle and Sources series – this week we’ll explore our first source with Ginny Chudgar. We will explore with a time of reflection and community centered around helping our community. [soulful home packet]
9:45 AM: Children’s RE
Elementary Ages: Onsite and Online, email director.religious.education@uuberks.org by Saturday noon if you’ll be attending online
- On site: in Kidspace (* teens may help, let us know you’ll be coming), Online available. With Ms Erin & Ms Ebee
RE Hangout – I scream, You scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream! We’ll explore our 8 principles with an ice cream inspired craft to take home.
link sent via Remind 1 hour before class. If you need access please email Erin (epcjjc@gmail.com)
10:30- Worship Service- All Ages
Monday – Thursday Daily posts on our new covenanted RE Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/UUBerks.RE.page/?ref=share check out our Remind classroom. If you need to signup link here: remind.com/join/refuucbc
A Message from the Church Office:
Melissa will be on vacation starting the week of June 20-27th. All emails and messages will be answered on 6/28.
Memory Book
On Sunday June 12, we celebrated 18 years of ministry with Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. There were a lot of laughs and a few tears during the service. As part of the celebration, Sandra was presented with a photo memory book. If you didn’t get a chance to view it after the service, we have a digital copy that you can view now.
Use the link https://uuberks.org/memory_book to access it. Enjoy!
(One more thing. If you took any photos during the event, can you email them to us at g.fees.celebration@uuberks.org?) 
Service Auction Update
We hope everyone that attended the picnic last month had a good time, even if we had a little bit of July-like weather in May. A big thank you to everyone that helped with the picnic and the Penny Social. We think the Penny Social was a great success: we brought in almost $375.
If you are interested in helping to hold another Penny Social or helping with the 2023 Service Auction, please contact us at g.service.auction@uuberks.org.
Picnic Lost & Found: we found some items at the park after the picnic. If you are missing anything, check the meeting room off the Gerber Room or contact Frank at the email address above. Thanks
Shut Down Berks Interfaith Witness & the FUUBC Immigration team
invite you to: Join an evening vigil at the Berks Detention Center on Wednesday, June 29 at 7 pm. 1040 Berks Road Leesport, PA 19533
ICE has not yet allowed any social visitation to the over more than 80 immigrant women incarcerated at Berks, even though the restrictions on visitation have been lifted nationwide. Human rights violations continue to be reported by the women as well. Come out to this vigil to show them that the Berks community supports them and to join the call of immigrants and the larger community to finally shut down this center! The building should be used for beneficial purposes for our county instead. 
We are currently looking for anyone who is interested in volunteering to be a Greeter and when the time comes- to be an Usher. This is a great way to get to know your fellow members or get to know them better And of course- being of service can provide comfort to you and others!!
Currently we have a group of approx 10 of us that rotate and fill in when we can but if we can get another 10 volunteers- then this will mean you would be a greeter every 6 -8 weeks and provides back up for our busy summer months.
We like to have two greeters at each service & when RE sessions are occurring on Sunday’s- one greeter arrives at 9:40 to greet those arriving for RE at 9:45 & the 2nd greeter arrives at 10 am to be available for those attending the Sunday service.
Please take time to consider this and please contact me, Joanne Koehler at jkbluesky@icloud.com or my cell 610-914-8827 if you are interested or have any questions.
Save the Date for Pride Fest
Mark your calendars for the LGBT Center of Greater Reading’s PRIDE FEST on July 17th, 2022. Come out and show your support for our LGBTQ Community with a day full of music, vendors, food and FUN! We will be asking for volunteers to staff the FUUBC table as the date gets closer. Please consider helping out. 
Effective June 1, 2022 until further notice
Given the evolving nature of the pandemic, the FUUBC Board will be making ongoing evaluations on a regular basis. We are using available metrics from:
FULL VACCINATION STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: FUUBC strongly encourages all those who can be vaccinated to be vaccinated, including boosters as appropriate. The church will be requiring proof of vaccination for the Minister, staff, guest speakers, and all RE volunteers.
MASKING RECOMMENDED: FUUBC strongly encourages attendees at worship services and other large gatherings to wear masks.
In gathering together, we promise to:
- Wear masks when recommended by CDC guidelines.
- Do not attend in person gatherings if you are not feeling well or if you have been directly exposed to Covid-19.
- Gain consent before touching or hugging others. Be mindful of varying levels of comfort and safety with social distancing when approaching others.
- Find ways to be inclusive of individuals who cannot be vaccinated, who may be immunocompromised, or who have hearing impairments.
- Prioritize the safety of the whole community over our own individual sense of what is safe for ourselves.
- Give and accept reminders of these ground rules gracefully.
- Assume good intentions, but also accept that policies and these ground rules will guide our actions.
- Respect the authority of the people making policies.
* adapted from Ground Rules by Carol Gay, UU Congregation of Cleveland