Dear Members,
A lot has happened in a short period of time recently, due to the Covid-19 crisis. This has had a significant impact on all of us with no clear end in sight. And though participation in our online Sunday services and ‘coffee hour’ discussions has been robust, it’s not the same as being in each other’s physical presence and communing face to face. And many of you may be wondering what is going on with certain church functions and activities.
So, the Board would like to invite you to participate in a Q&A session to ask/learn about decisions that the church leadership and others have been making to adjust to these uncertain times. These topics include decisions made about the budget setting process, the pledge drive, the annual auction, the May 17th Spring Congregational Meeting , and what we are doing to ensure the church’s financial wellbeing.
This Q&A session will take place this Sunday, April 26th at noon. Below is the information to join the Zoom meeting….
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 947 5189 0713
Password: 121562
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