Category: Newsletter

Univoice Weekly

A Child Went Forth Come take part in this beautiful traditional UU service where our graduates cross the bridge between youth and young adulthood.  Not just a high school graduation service, we honor many achievers, so come prepared to feel proud.  The service will encompass the theme of transitions.

Univoice Weekly

When we listen to the visionaries of our time, they come back to the central tenant that we must realize we are one – beyond race, beyond caste, beyond opposing viewpoints. Explore this species dependent, inextricable connection with us today.

Univoice Weekly

Memorial Day weekend falls within Mental Health Awareness month.  While it is always a fine balancing act to stay on the healthy side of life, grief, trauma, and The Pandemic make it more challenging.  Come and be with your people this morning—you will feel better.

Univoice Weekly

This Mother’s Day, we will reflect upon the indigenous belief that there is both feminine and masculine energy in all of us. We will explore how each one of us can bring the qualities of the feminine and our mother energy to the  healing and recreation so desperately needed in our world.

Univoice Weekly

This year our youth have been exploring their personal connections and understandings of our 8 UU principles in Jill Novensky’s All8 curriculum. We invite you to a time of reflection through the process of visual art. What a great way to kick off our month where we ask – What does it mean to be on the path of creativity?

Univoice Weekly

Recently finished teaching this comprehensive sexuality course at UU Berks, highly acclaimed instructors Amber Brown and Nic Stolzfus share what they learned from teaching the class.

Univoice Weekly

All of this talk about a search committee and the budget and General Assembly and the annual meeting… is time to check in on how our spiritual life is doing as tasks for the transition pick up momentum.

Univoice Weekly

Today we honor our mother with the transformative love of the Flower Ceremony and celebrate Earth Day.  Bring flowers and take home different ones.  Bring a friend, too, to enjoy this meaningful day.

Univoice Weekly

Wear your Easter bonnets and be ready to explore what Easter can mean to those of us whose religion is named for 2 Christian doctrines.  Note to seasoned UU Berks folks, Flower Ceremony is next week.