Every Sunday before service, we offer Religious Education opportunities for adults beginning at 9:30 AM.
Adult spiritual programs are designed to help you, our members and friends, discover your own truths, grow spiritually, connect with other church members and friends, and put principles and values into action.

In addition to our Sunday gatherings , we offer several opportunities for adult involvement throughout the month listed below.
Contemplative Companions
Contemplative Companions meet to listen, reflect, observe silence, and share stories. They meet the Monthly currently via Zoom. See the weekly Univoice for details
Spiritual Direction
Across time and traditions people have valued the presence of a trusted spiritual companion in their lives. Today this ancient art is called “spiritual direction” because both seeker and companion intentionally come together to listen for direction from the spirit of life that moves within. If you are interested in deepening your spiritual journey in this way, contact Spiritual Director and Member Nadine Smet-Weiss for more information or to make an appointment. The cost is a sliding scale with scholarships available.
Considering Membership Class
The Considering Membership Class is a next step for those individuals who are getting to know the church community and thinking about joining. It’s an opportunity to hear the stories of long-time members and other newcomers, and become acquainted with the ministries and activities of the church. Classes are held twice yearly in the Spring and Fall on Sundays following the worship service.
The church library is a great resource for Unitarian Universalist book-related materials. Among the topics is: UU history and theology, world religions, justice, inspiration, and more. Books are available on loan to members and friends.