Emergency Repairs
Our November theme is “The Practice of Repair.” This week, some post-election thoughts on triage and attention in the face of so many possible emergencies.
Our November theme is “The Practice of Repair.” This week, some post-election thoughts on triage and attention in the face of so many possible emergencies.
Cesar Martinez- Garza and Rev. John reflect on the holiday and the importance of remembering our ancestors.
Some thoughts on listening to the marginalized through the voice of popular culture.
A story from our Universalist history, and what it might mean for us today.
Join us as we “flip the switch” on our new solar power system and celebrate our call to be stewards of the Earth.
In a culture that listens more to respond than to understand, how to we learn to hear the whole person in our presence?
Each Sunday, we pause the frenetic pace of the day-to-day to enter a time of just being. In that pause, what do we hear our souls asking of us?
Our Soul Matters theme for September is “The Practice of Invitation.” This week, Rev. John looks at the various “doors” through which people enter the church, and wonders what other doors we might open. We’ll also welcome and celebrate our newest members as they sign the membership book.
Join us as we begin a new church year with our annual Water Communion ceremony, and a meditation on water as a metaphor for envisioning our future together.
A reflection on the value (and undervaluing) of labor.