Month: February 2020

Treasurer info

If members or friends would like to communicate with our treasurer Nadine Smet- Weiss, for any purpose, please contact her at this email address of:

Univoice Weekly

Worship Service: Resiliency Practices, Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees.
What are the practices that can help us build resiliency in terms of personal struggle and national or global crisis? Today we’ll share and seek some practical guidance for developing resiliency practices in our daily lives.

The 8th Principle

Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, Jan. 19, 2020 – Why should we change our beloved principles? Why adopt this principle? What does it offer our movement and world that the other principles don’t? …..

Univoice Weekly

Worship Service: Into Full Bloom,
Jim Beidler, Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. The spiritual practice of generosity helps us and our community come into full bloom. When rooted in spiritual practice, giving has the power to liberate the giver and profoundly impact others. This morning we’ll share stories of how generosity has helped us flower.

Why Talk About Class?

Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, Feb. 2, 2020 – When it comes to class, it can be a challenge for us to know our own class story, to share it, and to recognize the varieties of class stories in our midst…..

Common Read Books Are In

If you have not already picked up and paid for your book please see Carol Orts this Sunday during coffee hour. If you did not order a book but would still like to purchase one, there are a few copies still available. The cost of the books is $11.

UU 20’s/30’s Meeting

The 20s/30s Folx will be meeting on Thursday, February 20th, at 7 pm in the Gerber Room to make “decade collages” followed by a time of meditation. For more information and to RSVP, e-mail Nic at