Month: May 2020

Univoice Weekly

This Sunday: Creating Beauty in Community. Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees

This morning we explore the ways we can create beauty in community from what we already have – from empty lots, thorn bushes, and a little bit of faith.

Are You Stressed, Lonely, Bored? Would You Like a Conversation Partner?

The pandemic is affecting us all in a variety of ways and, for some, the effects include feelings of isolation, boredom, and stress. Having a good conversation partner can help ease those stressors. Our church, through the Caring Circle, is coordinating regular conversation partners to build connection and offer companionship. Conversation partners will touch base … Continue reading Are You Stressed, Lonely, Bored? Would You Like a Conversation Partner?

Univoice Weekly

This Sunday: Lean on Me. Our youth group will explore what it means to feel supportive and support others in their annual youth led service, Lean on Me. Bring some paper, markers, scissors, glue or tape and get ready for an interactive worship experience.