First UU Church of Berks County
Regathering for WORSHIP Plan
August 12, 2021
When will we worship in the Sanctuary again?
The first in-person worship service in the Sanctuary is expected to be held on Sunday, September 12, at 10:30 am. Given the evolving nature of the pandemic, the FUUBC Board will be making evaluations about moving forward on a week-to-week basis, using available metrics and recommended practices.
Will we have to wear masks?
Yes. Universal masking is required for any events or activities in the building.
What about social distancing?
Social distancing will be required. Pews will be marked to indicate spacing requirements. A signup system may be used to ensure we adhere to occupancy limits.
Will vaccination be required?
We strongly encourage all those who can be vaccinated to be vaccinated. The church will be requiring proof of vaccination for volunteers for worship services. The Minister, staff, guest speakers, and all RE volunteers will also be required to be vaccinated. Proof of vaccination for in-person attendance may be required of others as this evolves.
What about the kids?
In-person programming for children under 12 will not resume in the church building in September. The RE Committee and Ebee Bromley, Director of Religious Education are developing plans for once-a-month outdoor programming in addition to virtual RE hangouts.
What about singing?
We do not know when we will be able to safely resume singing during in-person services. Decisions about choir rehearsals and singing in worship are still in development by Ebee Bromley, Director of Music, based on available metrics and recommended practices.
Will I still be able to attend worship remotely?
Worship services will continue to be accessible remotely via zoom.
What would cause us not to be able to meet in person or to stop meeting in person, and who will decide?
The risk level will be assessed weekly using available metrics and recommended practices. The FUUBC Board will decide which planned activities may go forward, based on that risk level.
What data source are we using to assess risk levels?
We are using the “U.S. COVID Risk & Vaccine Tracker,” which provides real-time data: https://www.covidactnow.org/us/pennsylvania-pa/county/berks_county/?s=21621088.