“Back to the Garden”August 14, 2022 at 10:30 am
Rev. Amy DeBeck
Joni Mitchell stated in her song, Woodstock, that we are stardust, we are golden, and that we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden. On the anniversary of the Woodstock festival Rev. Amy asks and explores what that means for us, getting back to the garden.
RECOMMENDED: FUUBC strongly encourages all those who can be
vaccinated to be vaccinated, including boosters as appropriate.
MASKING RECOMMENDED: FUUBC strongly encourages attendees at worship
services and other large gatherings to wear masks.
To attend by Zoom,
click on this link: uuberks.org/zoom-worship. (If this is the first time
you’re using zoom, you may be prompted to download a launcher app).
To connect by phone (audio only):
1) Dial the phone number: 1-646-558-8656
2) When prompted for the “Meeting ID”, enter: 921 4271 5512#
3) When prompted for the “Participant ID”, enter: #
Please plan to arrive or log
on by 10:20-10:25 am to enjoy the gathering music, and, for those on zoom, to
establish a connection before worship is scheduled begins. Zoom participant
mics are muted throughout the service.
7:00 PM:
For the Summer we’re revisiting stories from the past year:
From Our SoulMatters Team: “A great way to explore finding joy through playfulness and silliness is by sharing this book Your Name is a Song by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow. In this story, a girl is upset because no one at school could say her name correctly. In response, her mother doesn’t get mad but instead playfully uses singing to brighten her daughter’s spirit and help her find a great way to handle the situation. It’s a great reminder about honoring the beauty and opening to the joy of everyone’s names.
Summer RE our Principle and Sources series – this week we’ll explore our 5th source in conversation. [soulful home packet]
5th Source: Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit;
Onsite Only
9:45 AM: Children’s RE
Elementary Ages: Onsite, email Erin Connolly by Saturday noon if you’ll be attending online
On site: in office meeting room (room off Gerber room) * teens may help, let us know you’ll be coming
RE Hangout – making music shakers for worship! We’re going to shake, shake, shake the rhythms of our heart!
10:30- Worship Service- All Ages
Songs have power. This morning we’re going to use the power of a song festival to ask what it means to discover that power.
Use a printed or hand labyrinth to find renewal as you attend worship this morning. Here’s a labyrinth you can print out and trace. Labyrinth Printable
Practice your Searching and Creative skills with Spark Maze
We will bless all of the tools for these endeavors and we’ll celebrate Woodstock along the way. * Wear your tie-dye and bring your thing to get blessed * Things that might get blessed: backpack, musical instrument, planner, to-do list notebook, car keys, coach whistle, camera, stethoscope. What will you be using regularly with you this year?
Planned Parenthood clinics are in need of patient escorts. Patient escorts support and assist patients who are walking from parking lots into health centers. They act as a buffer between the patient and protestors. There will be a training at the church on Wednesday, August 17th from 5:30-7:30 PM. Anyone interested should complete this RSVP link, https://www.weareplannedparenthood.org/a/ppkey-volunteer-orientation-berks-august-2022
Please contact Bernice Hines Corbit at hines.bernice@gmail.com if you have any questions/concerns.
There’s still time to join us for Beloved Conversations Virtual: Within Fall Term!
There is still time to get registered for the Fall Term of Within! Complete your registration and use the Early Bird Discount coupon code by August 12th to receive 10% off your registrationfor our Within program. See below for more details and head to our website to learn more! www.meadville.edu/beloved
Important Dates
Please note that the dates below could be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.
Registration Closes: August 26, 2022
Program Begins / First Lesson is published: September 12, 2022
Fall Term 2022 Meaning Making Session Dates: TO BE ANNOUNCED
Cost: $250 USD per person (lay folks and religious professionals). White folks and anyone with economic privileges/ample professional expenses will be encouraged to pay more. Full and partial scholarships are plentiful and easily accessible!
*No one will be turned away for a lack of funds. Please email JeKaren at belovedconversations@meadville.edu to request a full or half scholarship.
Learn more about the Within program and register HERE!
Do you know anything about solar panels? How about HVAC heat pump systems? Have you heard about the UUA’s Green Sanctuary 2030 program? From their website:
The climate-change crisis with Global Warming is the existential threat to the human species and the web of life. It is the urgent, overarching survival and justice issue of our time, calling us to impactful action now. In an era in which the call to dismantle racism could not be more clear, and when the COVID 19 pandemic stunningly highlights that systemic racism is inextricably bound (PDF) to climate degradation and injustice, Unitarian Universalist. Faithful Response calls us to bring our individual and collective gifts together to act with bold, inspiring, collaborative, networked, and effective leadership to ensure a livable world for all descendants and create climate justice with those who are systematically oppressed.
Solar power has been an ongoing interest of the Building Keepers for a few years. With our church’s strong commitment to environmental and social responsibility, we at FUUBC want to do our part. The Building Keepers are looking for volunteers to help with a temporary ad hoc Solar Subcommittee to evaluate (1) adding solar panels on the church buildings and (2) upgrading our natural gas heating systems to electric heat pumps. To do this, we will have a series of meetings (both in-person and/or virtual) to evaluate the different proposals from solar/HVAC companies and then prepare a final proposal to take to the M&O Team for final acceptance. Contact Frank Wilder at frank.wilder@uuberks.org if you are interested.
We are currently looking for anyone who is interested in volunteering to be a Greeter and when the time comes- to be an Usher. This is a great way to get to know your fellow members or get to know them better And of course- being of service can provide comfort to you and others!!
Currently we have a group of approx 10 of us that rotate and fill in when we can but if we can get another 10 volunteers- then this will mean you would be a greeter every 6 -8 weeks and provides back up for our busy summer months.
We like to have two greeters at each service & when RE sessions are occurring on Sunday’s- one greeter arrives at 9:40 to greet those arriving for RE at 9:45 & the 2nd greeter arrives at 10 am to be available for those attending the Sunday service.
Please take time to consider this and please contact me, Joanne Koehler at jkbluesky@icloud.com or my cell 610-914-8827 if you are interested or have any questions.
Effective June 1, 2022 until further notice
Given the evolving nature of the pandemic, the FUUBC Board will be making ongoing evaluations on a regular basis. We are using available metrics from:
FULL VACCINATION STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: FUUBC strongly encourages all those who can be vaccinated to be vaccinated, including boosters as appropriate. The church will be requiring proof of vaccination for the Minister, staff, guest speakers, and all RE volunteers.
MASKING RECOMMENDED: FUUBC strongly encourages attendees at worship services and other large gatherings to wear masks.
Free parking is available on Sundays on the street and in the library parking lot.
The parking garage across the street (4th and Cherry streets) has changed to a pay by app system. The app is called ParkMobile. It can be downloaded in the apple store or on the google play app. At this time we are unable to offer discounted parking vouchers.
We have established a Zoom service tech line if you are having trouble logging into our Sunday service. If you do not get an immediate answer, leave a message and your call will be returned momentarily.Dial 484-925-1684.
Last week, I attended the Association for Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries Conference and Song leaders Convergence. It was restorative, regenerative, and reinvigorating. There will be many ways I’ll be sharing what I learned and relearned over the course of those six days with you this year. For now, I’m going to share three poems and song texts that were sung into the shared spaces of the conference. Do you know their melodies? Do ones of your own making spring up for you?
What We Need Is Here (x2)
Music That Makes Community
A Dedication
As for me and my house,
You will find us serving *truth,
*truth for all right now
* truth, peace, love, justice …..
By Lea Morris
Wanderer (english translation, dedicated to Mark Freundt, retired music director from UU Church of Greensboro)
There is no road
We make the road
as we go
Antonio Machado
I’m Not Alone
I’m not alone (x8)
I forgot for a minute who I belonged to
The mama earth, the wind + rain, the beauty + pain