December’s theme is Mystery

Ah, mystery. I think of mystery novels and movies. I think of the Mysteries of
Scripture. There are all kinds of mysteries…..but mostly, this year, at this
congregation, I think of the Mystery of The Search.

Who will apply to be the next minister? Who will become a pre-candidate and
then the candidate? Who will UU berks vote on as their next settled minister?
As we all wait for ministers to apply, beginning in January, we are entrenched in
mystery. What will they be like? Will UU Berks be their first call, or 6 th ? There is
so much to wonder about!

So as we all live into this great mystery, here is some advice from your interim to
the whole congregation. Rather than imagining the great changes that will happen
when the new person comes, reflect on what you have to offer now. Not some day,
but now. Imagine how the new minister might need to find out what UU Berks
holds dear so that they know how to build on good stuff. Envision what UU Berks
has going for it, right now. There is much to feel good about.

I hope for you all, and each of you, a very happy Holidays Season.

In peace
Rev. Amy

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