There’s a thought I’ve seen a few times on the internet lately – The Parable of the Choir.
The Parable of the Choir goes like this: A choir can sing a beautiful note impossibly long because singers can individually drop out to breathe as necessary and the note goes on.
Social justice activism should be like that.
This is a great parable to explore for our month focused on TRUST. Strong Choirs are built on trust – it’s what we do for each other and it’s how we practice beforehand that keeps that trust strong.
Here are some finer points to the parable:
When you “drop out” – the goal is that you’re dropping out at a different time than your neighbor. This takes presence and builds TRUST. Noticing if both you and your neighbor drop out – come back in for a short period until your neighbor starts singing again – then take your breath. Or even better when possible – plan out with your neighbor when each of you will have your turn.
— connect with organizations doing the work and lend a hand. Or know if you are needing to rest right now, where it is you will look to jump in when you’re ready to return.
“As necessary” – is often earlier than you think it is. Singers who try to hold out their note till they completely run out of air can actually cause the choir as a whole to go flat as they squeeze out those last drops of air. I ask my singers to breathe early and breathe often – you do your best work when your lungs are comfortable – they have enough air, no more and no less. Sometimes I write reminders to breathe into my scores at places earlier than I need to so there’s no spot where I’m feeling fully empty.
— take time to remind yourself what “fills your cup” back up and have reminders near you. Sometimes when we’re running out of air we forget the tools that work. What helps you keep going? What “sips of air” can you offer yourself, others or have others offered to you lately?
Coming Back In so the “note goes on” – come back in at half volume and then increase to match the sound of the group. This helps the strength of the overall sound stay constant.
— build your activism muscles back up, make 2 calls the day you come back, take 3 actions next, don’t tackle it all at once.
Shameless Plug: You Can Practice all of these tools by JOINING our Choir – we meet on the first and 3rd Sunday of the month right after coffee hour in the sanctuary for about an hour of fun music making! Come fill your spirits back up and practice these muscles!