Univoice Weekly

Weekly News for the week of:
December 29, 2024
This Sunday

 “Labyrinths in the 21st Century” (Service starts at 10 AM)

December 29, 2024 at 10:00 am

This Sunday we will be joining UU Lancaster via zoom. Please note the change in service time to 10 AM.

This service will include a narrated power point presentation featuring the ancient history and the current Renaissance of labyrinths around the world. This will be followed by an open labyrinth walk on the eleven circuit pattern in Founder’s Hall.

Click the link below to be redirected to UU Lancaster to join service


No RE This week

Contemplative Companions

Join us on Monday 1/6/2025 @ 7:00pm, via zoom for Contemplative Companions when we will explore and share about ‘where we come from.’ Advanced reflection on the question of ‘where do I come from?’ is optional – sometimes the surprise of spontaneous arising is the most meaningful. For further information or to receive the zoom link,  contact Nadine at njw1258@hotmail.com

Game Day

Do you enjoy board and card games? Join us after coffee hour on Sunday, January 12th. We hope to start at 12:30 and finish up by 5PM.  The plan is to have multiple tables set up with a different game at each table. Please bring a few of your favorite games and a snack to share, I plan to bring popcorn and the game Catan. Feel free to invite friends who enjoy board games as well.

I hope to see you there

Meditation Group

Meditation and mindfulness practices offer an excellent opportunity to explore presence, deepen self-awareness, and connect as a community. With this month’s theme of “The Practice of Presence,” Martin Smith invites anyone interested in meditation—whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or completely new—to join in creating a supportive group. Martin is a trained Buddhist meditation instructor with nearly 15 years of experience. In the new year, he envisions forming a group that meets regularly and fosters practices that can transform how we engage with ourselves, our family, our community, and the world. If this resonates with you, please reach out! We can co-create a meditation group within the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and the larger Reading community. Share your interest, and we’ll work together to identify meeting times and collective goals.

Please use this Google Form to let us know your interest.

Church Members WebsiteDid you know that we have a private website for members only at  https://member-info.uuberks.org ?  It is basically an electronic version of a bulletin board. On the website you can also find links to important documents (like the Budget, Bylaws, Church Directory,…), important email addresses ( like Staff, Committees,  … email addresses),  and a host of “how to” docs (like Google Forms Have 2 Links, Email Account vs. Email Alias, Google Workspace Guide for New Users,… If you have any questions, send them to Frank @ frank.wilder@uuberks.org. Here are a few common questions and answers:
  1. Why do I have to login to access this site?  This site is private and the information on it is for members only. By having a login, we can restrict access to those individuals that are FUUBC members.
  2. I attend services all the time but I am not a member. How do I become a member?  We have a page on our public website with all of the details.  See https://uuberks.org/connect/become-a-member/ 
  3. I have a Google account, but I don’t remember my password.  (1) Go to the Google login page at accounts.google.com, (2) enter your email address, (3) click on the “next” button and (4) click on the “Forgot password” link.
  4. Does UUBerks have an email list for open communications between members on any topic. Yes, it is called the Friends of UUBerks email list. Contact Frank W. to be added to the email list.
Building Maintenance Goes Digital!

The Building Keepers are excited to announce a new, streamlined way to submit maintenance requests! Now, you can easily report any issues using a convenient Google Form accessible from your smartphone or laptop. This digital system will help us track and resolve projects more efficiently.

Here’s how to submit a request:

  1. Look for QR Codes: Scan the QR codes posted around the building using your smartphone’s camera app.
  2. Direct Link: Alternatively, you can access the form directly by visiting this link on your laptop or phone’s browser:  https://uuberks.org/bk-ticket

We appreciate your cooperation in using this new system. It will allow us to better serve you and maintain our facilities effectively.

Attention Giant Shoppers! Did you know you can shop at Giant and make money for the Church at no cost to you?

FUUBC is part of the Giant charitable grocery scrip program that gives 10% of all gift cards sold back to our church. You can purchase cards as needed or sign up for a monthly gift card order that will be sent directly to your home the first week of each month.

When you receive your order you will also receive a return envelope to mail your check to the church. Checks can also be dropped in the Gerber room drop box or in the plate collection. Checks should be made out to FUUBC with giant card in the memo line. If you would like to purchase Giant cards please return the form below to Melissa at office@uuberks.org. One time cards can also be purchased from Melissa at coffee hour twice a month.

Giant cards are available in $50 and $100 increments.

Giant Card Form

An Antidote to Grinchiness

As I write this, Jess and I are twelve days out from bringing our AirBnB adventures in Berks County to a close. On December 2nd, we’ll take possession of our new home, and then get right to work on the most important first step of settling — figuring out where the Christmas tree goes.

It’s a big task. We’re creating a new tradition in a new home, and tree placement sets the tone for the holidays. Then comes the rest of the holiday preparations, at home and at church, coupled with getting the new house settled. This December is shaping up to be a very full one. And I’ll confess, I can skew towards Grinchiness most years. All this coupled with the barrage of holiday commercialization means that this year, I’m paying special attention that my heart doesn’t wind up two sizes too small.

This is the big reason why this minister, at least, is grateful for Advent. For me, it’s the antidote for Grinch – an intentional, mindful moment to step out of the mad freeway rush toward December 25th and regain some focus and perspective on the deeper meaning of the season. One candle each for peace, hope, joy, and love. One candle a week to cast out the shadows and sear these ideals in my heart.

I’m glad to hear Advent is nothing new for this congregation. This month, we’ll take a moment in each service to light our Advent candles with a brief meditation on its themes. I hope you can find a place for yourself in that moment – a welcome into a pause and a moment for mindful reflection.

See you in church!

The Gift of Presence

Happy Thanksgiving! And welcome to the beginning of advent. How did that happen so quickly? As we move into December we enter a state of heightened activity. While the earth prepares to sleep, we humans prepare for our holiday season. Prepping for the holiday can cause a panic for some. Is it all done? Did you find that special item you put out every year to welcome winter? What are your holiday plans, and how do you feel the presence of spirit through the season? How do you not get trapped in the hustle and bustle? Our culture pushes us to consume. Eat more cookies, buy more gifts, find more joy. What can we do to feel the real presence of spirit in this time? I urge you to STOP. Stop it all. Wrap up in your favorite warm coat, take the hand of your most loved and take a walk. Breathe, and search for the presence.

Christmas and mid winter holidays for thousands of years give people the opportunity to embrace the light in the coldest and darkest of days. A time to observe all we have done through the year and find warmth and light in our families and love.

What is your favorite tradition for Christmas? When do you feel the presence of December and mid winter? For me I wander the woods at sunset. If it is snowing even better. The cold air and tiny flakes reflecting in the moonlight. The gentle song of wind though branches. Cold, Alone, Quiet, Perfect. That crunch of dry leaves under my feet and the bite of wind on my face, brings me to a place of pure presence. I am here. I breathe. I look for the light and sparkle of nature in the woods. I revel in the warmth of that glow of nature along the tree line as the sun sets. I look for the lights. Take a few moments as you read this. Close your eyes and remember your favorite presence of the holiday. Welcome to advent everyone. A blessed holiday to all.

Miss Erin

practice presents

by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director

follow your breath into awareness of subtle sensation barely perceptible vibration that is beingness alive in you

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