The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s Efforts to Support Ukraine

While the Trump administration is spending its time facilitating Putin’s war crimes and kicking an allied nation while they’re down—UUSC’s partners are meeting real needs and helping the people most affected to reclaim their human rights.

In Ukraine and surrounding countries, our partners are fighting for the rights of Roma people, Black refugees, and other groups who were already facing discrimination in their societies even before the war, and whose exclusion risks being compounded by Russia’s imperialist aggression. 

Our partners are also working to center the leadership of Ukrainian women in responding to the conflict. Martynka, for instance—based in Kraków, Poland—provides a 24-hour hotline for Ukrainian women who have faced gender-based violence as a result of Russia’s invasion. You can learn more about their work here

Even if the U.S. government and powerful politicians willfully deny the need for global solidarity, our grassroots partners never will. With our support, they will keep fighting for a just and equitable future. You can help sustain their efforts with a donation to UUSC. A contribution in any amount helps our partners defend human rights—even in the midst of some of the world’s most protracted conflicts.

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