The Board of Directors encourages your participation in the upcoming Congregational Meeting scheduled on Sunday, December 11, 2022, at 11:45 AM following the worship service.
The Meeting will be multi-platform; held in person and via Zoom. Voting will be in-person, on zoom, and by phoning into the zoom meeting. You must be present in person, virtually, or by phone to vote. These semi-annual meetings of the congregation are required by our Bylaws but more importantly, they are also an opportunity for you to become informed about the work that your fellow congregants are involved in and for your voice to be heard.
We currently have 147 members. We will need a quorum of 15% of members (22 members) to hold the meeting for regular business meeting votes to be binding. Action items requiring a vote are noted on the attached agenda.
Please come out to participate in your congregational meeting and to make sure that the business of the congregation can take place. You can expect to hear numerous updates along with some fresh ideas.