Author: Elizabeth Bromley

Go Take a Hike!

RE Exec Team is in the planning phase of our next sponsored camping weekend and we need to hear from you – please visit to share your thoughts. Poll will be open until Sunday 30th.

Aiming for Allyship: Intersectional Antiracism Training 4-Part Series

Pat Uribe Lichty invites you to join her in attending an upcoming antiracism practice. Read on below and please email her with your interest. Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM) invites you for the next 4 Tuesdays to learn: We know that the work of justice is not only about changing systems but also … Continue reading Aiming for Allyship: Intersectional Antiracism Training 4-Part Series

Parable of The Choir

There’s a thought I’ve seen a few times on the internet lately – The Parable of the Choir.  The Parable of the Choir goes like this: A choir can sing a beautiful note impossibly long because singers can individually drop out to breathe as necessary and the note goes on.   Social justice activism should … Continue reading Parable of The Choir

In The Beginning …

The practice of story.  That’s our theme for the month of January.  Good stories have a beginning, middle and an end.  Great stories don’t get old when you repeat them.  As I return to you from parental leave and we begin this month of practicing stories – I’m thinking of the lullabies that have been … Continue reading In The Beginning …