Author: UU Berks Office Administrator

Handprint T-shirt Order

Have you seen our amazing congregation handprint canvas in the Gerber room? Now you can get it on a T-shirt for $20! You can pre-order a shirt for yourself now through May 21st on the order form in the Gerber room- find the shirt and you’ll find the form. Ask an RE volunteer for assistance.

Univoice Weekly

This year our youth have been exploring their personal connections and understandings of our 8 UU principles in Jill Novensky’s All8 curriculum. We invite you to a time of reflection through the process of visual art. What a great way to kick off our month where we ask – What does it mean to be on the path of creativity?

Solar Panel System (5/3/2023)

We have received the PV design documents from Solar States, which comprise technical details and specifications for our photovoltaic system. The package includes a site assessment report, system design drawings, electrical diagrams, equipment specifications, and installation documents. Solar States will share these documents with the City of Reading and our electrical provider to obtain the … Continue reading Solar Panel System (5/3/2023)

Univoice Weekly

Recently finished teaching this comprehensive sexuality course at UU Berks, highly acclaimed instructors Amber Brown and Nic Stolzfus share what they learned from teaching the class.

May Creativity

Friends, the time for submitting an article has come while I am simultaneouslyparticipating in a weeklong meeting (online) of Interim Ministers AND packing upmy life from Elkhart IN. I hope that you will enjoy this link, or the printed lyricsof my favorite song for May. Recorded by 10000 Maniacs, sung by NatalieMerchant, These are Days.Written … Continue reading May Creativity

art of life

by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director breathbybreathchoicebychoicethrougheach momentof each daycreatingthis work of artwe callour life