Category: From Your Spiritual Director

Spiritual Director Monthly Blog by Nadine J. Smet-Weiss

trust being

by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director at heart  life is an interweaving of being we can trust with our being the question is can it  trust us to be present in our being embodying our values in each moment whatever comes

ode to rumi and rilke

by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director this being humanis a guest houselet our livingbe an answerto the questionof what it means towelcome all that comestreat each guest honorablyand recognize eachas a guidefrom beyondGuestHouse_RumiLive the Questions

your story phoropter

by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director how we tell our life story to ourselves or to others depends upon the lens  we choose to view it through reflect for a moment upon any few of the lenses  you have chosen over time then look at your life through the lens of love for full clarity

broken beauty

by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director look around look closely look within see the cracks in everything with soft eyes recognize  the beauty in the opening and find  your way to fill it with love


by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director shhhhhlistenfor the soundof your ownbreathsettle into the experienceof lifeflowingthrough youbewith yourbeing

this season

by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director this seasonallow some spacein your daysmoments ofpresenceto witnessthe beautyof this worldtake it inthen let it shinethrough you


by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director we standat the thresholdexpectanteagerimaginingmay we find blessingin the unexpectedmay our eagernessbe temperedwith patiencemay we imagineboth change andbeing changedon our way tobecomingmay we pauseto grieveour unbecomingmay we welcome life