The 8th Principle
Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, Jan. 19, 2020 – Why should we change our beloved principles? Why adopt this principle? What does it offer our movement and world that the other principles don’t? …..
Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, Jan. 19, 2020 – Why should we change our beloved principles? Why adopt this principle? What does it offer our movement and world that the other principles don’t? …..
Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, Feb. 2, 2020 – When it comes to class, it can be a challenge for us to know our own class story, to share it, and to recognize the varieties of class stories in our midst…..
If you have not already picked up and paid for your book please see Carol Orts this Sunday during coffee hour. If you did not order a book but would still like to purchase one, there are a few copies still available. The cost of the books is $11.
The 20s/30s Folx will be meeting on Thursday, February 20th, at 7 pm in the Gerber Room to make “decade collages” followed by a time of meditation. For more information and to RSVP, e-mail Nic at
On Sunday, February 16 after services we will have a sit-down fundraising coffee hour with children of the church helping to serve snacks and beverages. Any money donated by attendees will go to scholarships for church members to attend this year’s General Assembly. We hope to see you there!
Shut Down Berks Interfaith Witness, the Shut Down Berks Coalition & Make the Road PA will host a vigil led by Sister Dottie Almoney and the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry/PA on Sunday, Feb 16th at 3:30pm at the Berks County Residential Center located at 1040 Berks Road Leesport, PA 19533.Parking is available at the buildings across the … Continue reading Shut Down Berks Vigil
Join us on Monday February 3rd, @ 7:00pm for a time of reflection and sharing about our UU Principles. This is NOT a UU exclusive gathering – all are welcome. Contact Jane Rohrbach ( or Nadine Smet-Weiss ( for further information.
Sun., Feb. 9 – Noon in the Sanctuary Church members are invited to come to this “listening session” to share their thoughts and feelings, express concerns, or ask questions related to recent actions to remove members.
Sunday, Feb. 23, Noon-2pm Paula Cole Jones will introduce the concept of a Community of Communities and guide us in looking at a new, collaborative way to engage with each other in discussion and decision-making. If we focus on the well-being of Communities, will we develop a more inclusive culture? Are there other ways to engage in … Continue reading “Building a Community of Communities” Workshop facilitated by Paula Cole Jones
February 2020 Things seem like they’re spinning out of control. We can respond to this state of affairs with fear, aggression, and selfishness, or we can respond out of trust in our vast, open, basically good mind, which is timelessly aware, yet empty of imputed meanings. How we respond will determine the way the world … Continue reading What Does It Mean To Be a People of Resiliency?