Come and join us for Sunday service, a guest speaker on unions and a performance by the RE Summer Theater Company! We’ll also welcome Rev. John and Jess Cullinan to our congregation. Service will take place at 10:30 am followed by a delicious pot luck lunch. The picnic will be held at Farming Ridge Park in Exeter located at 6075 Farming Ridge Blvd, Reading 19606.
The picnic will be held at Farming Ridge Park in Exeter located at 6075 Farming Ridge Blvd, Reading 19606.

Our guest speaker from the PA AFL-CIO will speak about the values that Labor shares with the Faith Community, the issues impacting working people, and the importance of working together to achieve a more equitable society for all.
The Pennsylvania AFL-CIO represents more than 700,000 union members in Pennsylvania that attend various types of worship services in their communities. The Labor in the Pulpit moment provides a unique opportunity for the Faith community and the Labor Movement to rediscover our common bonds of Social Justice, Democracy, Equality, Economic and Racial Justice, Fair treatment in the workplace and the right to form a union. It is also a time to reflect on the current conditions of working people and to reaffirm the commitment of the faith community for workers justice.
Central Labor Councils, NAACPs, and churches across the state participate in the Labor in the Pulpit program from August 30th-September 8th.