Speaker: Rev. Amy DeBeck

Youth Service

Co-led by the youth and the folks who have worked alongside them all year, our Youth Group shares with us what sparks their spirits.

Youth Sunday

Coordinated by the folks who have worked alongside them all year, our Youth Group shares with us what sparks their spirits.

Kindness Matters

 Strategies and coping mechanisms, plans and designs help us to accomplish most things,  but kindness is necessary for any of them to work.

Earth Day

April 22 is Earth Day, how will you show Mother Earth she can count on you?

Progress on Our Principles

UU’s are changing our bylaws to reflect less of a list of principles and more of a cluster of values, based in love.  Let’s talk about what this means for us.

Easter Sunday

Wear your bonnet to a service focused on rebirth, on Jesus, and on faith.  Stay after for the Easter Egg hunt. 

Conflict is Natural

Knowing how to move through conflict is a skill some of us have, but it is something we can always learn more about.

Turning of the Wheel

With a focus on pagan tradition, we look at the coming of Spring and the Vernal Equinox, called Ostara in Wicca.

Interim Check In

Rev. Amy reviews the five developmental tasks of Interim Ministry, marking how UU Berks has gone through them.