Speaker: Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees

Dia de Los Muertos Celebration

Join us for an all-ages celebration of Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with authentic Mexican decorations and painted skulls for the altar, a reflection by Cesar Martinez-Garza, story, song, including a choral anthem, and a participatory ritual in which we light candles for our beloveds who have died.

When We Don’t Belong

When we feel we don’t belong, loneliness can arise. Join us this morning as we explore the ways that friendship, community, and connection can come along, surprising and transforming us.

Chosen Community

Religion is a “chosen pilgrimage,” says UU minister John Buehrens. We choose a community of faith. And we choose to return to it, over and over again, coming back to where we can be renewed by spiritual connection, celebration, and inspiration. Today we’ll consider what calls us back to Unitarian Universalism, again and again. This … Continue reading Chosen Community

True Belonging

True belonging means being our authentic selves. This morning we’ll explore the true things inside us that make us loved and free. We’ll be dedicating our new Tree of Life Chalice and celebrating this sacred symbol of our faith that helps us live authentically.

Expectations of Forgiveness

The expectations we bring to the practice of forgiveness can help heal wounds and resentment or lead to bitterness and anger. Join us today as we explore the ways we can manage our expectations in order to improve emotional health and exercise goodness.

Full Dignity

Respecting the worth and dignity of others is a core value for Unitarian Universalists. This morning we’ll consider the ways that moving beyond our binary ways of thinking and being–beyond good and bad, right and wrong, black and white, male and female–can create more spaciousness and grace in our relationships.

Great Expectations

What expectations do we bring to our lives–to spiritual community, work, family? This morning we’ll explore when to let go of them and when to set greater expectations. Today is our special monthly share-the-plate collection, which will support our congregation’s hosting of families who are moving out of homelessness through the Interfaith Family Promise program … Continue reading Great Expectations

Water Communion Celebration

This morning we gather to explore the unique gifts we each bring to community and to celebrate our gathering with the UU water communion. There will be opportunities to share stories with individuals of different ages and build bridges of connection in our congregation.