Month: April 2020

Send Us Your Pet Pics

Please share a picture of your animal companion(s) for our upcoming Blessing of the Animals service. The service will be held on May 17, 2020. Send your photos of cats, dogs, sheep, hamsters, rabbits, horses, turtles, goats, ducks, and more. Please include your name and theirs in your email to Melissa Medina, Office Administrator, at … Continue reading Send Us Your Pet Pics

Threshold Moments

A [threshold is] a space to imagine a new way, and new self. Not moving or pushing but sitting and cultivating… [the goal] is to allow you space and time to reflect on your past, present, and future. To imagine a new beginning . . . . Rev. Sara LaWall Dear Members and Friends, Threshold moments … Continue reading Threshold Moments

In the Threshold

For the past month each Wednesday night at choir we’ve been ending our gatherings with a chalice lighting and check in.  It’s a verbal threshold that we create together. This moment to light a chalice marks our transition from singing and listening and breathing together to being apart for the week.  We use a song … Continue reading In the Threshold

Pandemic-Oriented Volunteer Opportunities

Attend the 8th Principle Dessert Discussion on Sunday, May 10 at 8:00PM to share your curiosity and concerns about the 8th Principle before the Congregational Meeting on May 17th.  The Dessert Discussion will be held virtually at (password: 2020-05-04).                                  Berks Encore – needs volunteers to grocery shop for folks (age 50+) who can’t do their own shopping.  Nadine … Continue reading Pandemic-Oriented Volunteer Opportunities


In April I highlighted the #chalicechallenge I hope you had fun making your own chalice or you look forward to making one soon. This month of May we’re exploring how we can become “a People of Thresholds.” And a threshold is just a place between two things. When we pass through a threshold, a doorway … Continue reading #ChaliceOfTheDay

ADORE (A Dialog On Racism And Ethnicity) Virtual Listening Cafe

The ADORE (A Dialog on Racism and Ethnicity) group will host a 2nd Virtual Listening Cafe on Sunday, May 10th @ 8PM on the Eighth Principle. The aim of this meeting is to stimulate discussion and increase understanding of the Eighth Principle in advance of the Congregational Meeting vote later in May to adopt the … Continue reading ADORE (A Dialog On Racism And Ethnicity) Virtual Listening Cafe

Univoice Weekly

This Sunday: The Liberation of Letting Go – Worship Online Via Zoom. Ebee Bromley, Matthew Owen, Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. The work of liberation is just that, work. Right? Yes, and no. Sometimes learning to let go – of a bad mood, a grudge, an addiction – can be just the thing we need to realize justice, truth, and freedom.