Beloved Community in Song

If you have the teal hymnal at home, you might notice hymn number 1014 was originally published with a name other than “Answering the Call of Love”. You see when Singing The Journey was published the song “Standing on the Side of Love,” was a new song. It was a song inspired by the UUA president responding to the news of the day. When Rev Bill Sinkford heard that President Bush was calling for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, Rev Sinkford took a call with a reporter to answer back “We are standing on the side of love.”

We know that love has more languages than words alone. So too do we need to honor a composer’s choice to change the words of a song and also find other ways to make this choice live. What languages (physical touch, quality time, receiving and giving gifts, acts of service, words of affirmation) do you have at your disposal to answer the call of love and witness everyone in our community?

Take this song in and respond for yourself – how are you “Answering the Call of Love” this month? Click to listen here

Find out more information and the full lyrics here

Read the UU World article about the key people involved with this song here

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