Commitment means that we act on what we value and hold important.
It’s easy to forget how we act sometimes. One way we can store our commitments is to name them. Name your commitments by drawing them or say them outloud, maybe share them with someone close to you, or write them down. Lighting our chalice can be a way to make our time memorable.
Each time you light your chalice this month, name one way you’ve acted today that was caring, one way you’ve acted that changed something, one way you consciously listened to someone else or yourself, one way you curiously explored your world.
Thank you to Maryland DRE, Robin Slaw, who so graciously has committed to creating and sharing a chalice lighting each month for us to connect with.
by nadine j. smet-weiss
spiritual director
in my head
the very definition
of commitment
is a certain willfulness
a hard core determination
that come hell or high water
i will do whatever it takes to
make it happen
see it through
get the job done
fight the good fight
unto death until
i surrender to life
offering what i truly have to give
receiving all that i need to live
the reciprocity of relationship
restores the balance of
the freedom to be human
reminding me to remember
the definition of commitment
seeded in every cell of my being
is a full and total
yes to life letting go
into love