Month: June 2021

Coming Back Together: Moving toward a Multi-platform Church

The Multi-platform team will be hosting a Zoom conversation with the congregation immediately following the service this Sunday, June 20th.  Join us to hear what’s happening with the plans to move toward in-person gathering, as well as to create more robust virtual resources for FUUBC! Below, you can find the Introduction part of the meeting, recorded … Continue reading Coming Back Together: Moving toward a Multi-platform Church

Univoice Weekly

Learning Together about Race and Ethnicity. Our congregation has made a commitment to becoming more fully anti-racist and anti-oppression. This weekend we deepened this commitment and our understanding of how race and ethnicity play out in our institutions and our daily lives in the Jubilee III Anti-Racism Training. This morning Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees and participants will share how their minds and hearts have been changed as a result.

We need your input:

As we move towards fall, we are very excited to be making plans to be coming back together through multi-platform operations.  Multi-platform means that we are hoping to give families and individuals the option to attend worship services and meetings either in-person or online via Zoom.  Note: masks and distancing will be required for those … Continue reading We need your input:

Univoice Weekly

Bridging Service & Ceremony. Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. This Sunday we mark the journey of youth in our church community into young adulthood. This is known as the Bridging Service, and it is a significant UU rite of passage for those who have reached 18 and/or are graduating from high school this year. Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees’ return from sabbatical this Sunday marks another passage, and she’ll be sharing a slideshow of “What I Did on My Sabbatical.”

Opportunity: Volunteer Interested in Social Justice for a Time-Limited Co-Chair Partnership

Ginny Chudgar, chair of the Social Justice Coordinating Team, is looking for a patient-but-enthusiastic social justice warrior who is comfortable with technology to share with her the administrative and leadership tasks associated with the SJCT until September 2021.  If you care a lot about the impact FUUBC can have and does have on our larger community, but don’t want … Continue reading Opportunity: Volunteer Interested in Social Justice for a Time-Limited Co-Chair Partnership