Month: April 2022

Shut Down Berks Vigil

Shut Down Berks Interfaith Witness and the Shut Down Berks Coalition are holding an in-person vigil at the Berks County Detention Center on April 24 at 3:30 pm. Please share to your friends and networks. 

Rev. Sandy Strauss, Pennsylvania Council of Churches will be leading the … read more.

Univoice Weekly

Join us this morning as we celebrate Easter with the Unitarian Universalist Flower Ceremony. Please bring a flower with you to worship, whether you are joining online or onsite.

Univoice Weekly

We’re all connected: an interdependent whole. This worship service which includes a sermon by UUA president Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, explores and celebrates interdependence as fundamental to our Unitarian Universalist identity.

Univoice Weekly

Some things become so familiar to us that they become invisible to us. We overlook them and miss out on important opportunities to experience wonder, awe, love and beauty.