
May Sarton wrote, “Without darkness, nothing comes to birth, As without light, nothing flowers.”

We have been living through the necessary darkness, and the days are coming to watch all the flowering.  That is transformation.  In order for anything to transform, necessary changes will happen.  And we all know that change is hard, even when necessary and welcome.

As the ground thaws, and the flowers come to light, may you see and feel your own transformations.  However it happens and whatever it is that has been quietly growing and changing, may the transformation be a good one.  Perhaps the change in our lives will feel like a great bursting forth, or maybe more like quietly peering around a curtain.  

Transformation is not just the chosen theme for March;  March is always a month of transformation whether it is the noted theme or not!  The trees and plants know it and if we stop to notice, we might delight in their new growth.  

March always holds the first day of Spring, March 20, or Ostara on the pagan calendar.  March also holds Easter this year, on its last day, March 31.

Transformation can be seen in others, and in our relationships.  Winter is ending and it gets easier, physically and mentally, to get around and to gather.  It is often Springtime, the first big gatherings after winter, that new ideas get shared and transformation begins to happen.  While transformation is always going on inside of us, it is exciting for several “selves” to share that community energy. 

In March, I wish for all of us that we are aware of our own changes, welcoming transformations, even as we see beauty and new growth around us.  In Community and in relationships, may both the fresh new starts and growth from mature soil yield splendid transformations.

In peace

Rev. Amy

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