Invite a Friend to Climate Justice Revival – Sept 28-29

We are one of almost 300 UU congregations who will gather for the first-ever UU Climate Justice Revival: Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era.

 We can only manifest what we first imagine together! Even those of us who love Mother Earth or have been environmental activists for a long time start to feel powerless. But, there’s power in numbers and we’re joining thousands of UUs around the world for a denominational kick-start. 

Day 1: Saturday, Sept. 28, 9am-11amRevival Activities for Children & Youth and Facilitated Dialogs for Adults
Day 2: Sunday, Sept. 29, 10:30 – 1:00pm Worship and Activist Fair

  • UU the Vote, UUs for Social Justice, UU Service Committee, Side With Love
  • Berks Climate Action, and other local organizations

Our congregation will: 

  • Creatively represent the realities and possibilities for climate justice in our unique context,  
  • Develop a vision of a flourishing future,
  • Identify a clear set of potential actions that we can take to realize this vision,
  • Understand our roles in the interdependent ecosystem of creating climate justice and collective liberation. 

These kinds of things don’t happen often. We’ll all have the same materials, sing a common song, and when it’s over, we’ll be part of the national conversation moving our climate work forward. It’s exciting just on the face of it, and the day itself will be a lot of fun. To prime your pump, here are some 15-minute videos exploring Climate at the Intersections from Side With Love

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