In The Beginning …

The practice of story.  That’s our theme for the month of January.  Good stories have a beginning, middle and an end.  Great stories don’t get old when you repeat them.  As I return to you from parental leave and we begin this month of practicing stories – I’m thinking of the lullabies that have been echoing in my house as of late and how they fit the form of a story.  They’ve got a beginning, middle, and an end.  Lullabies are often shared on repeat.  One in particular goes like this: 

Tender Shepherd

Tender Shepherd 

Let me help you 

count your sheep

One in the meadow,

Two in the garden,

Three in the nursery 

fast asleep.

Somedays the words get old so we hum it, or make up new words to the melody.  The point of the story though is to tell our child that we’re here, that her dad and I love her, and that she can rest.  It’s a story we repeat until our little one is slumbering once again.  

What stories do you repeat in your life?  What stories do you reach for?  Do they work for you?  Do you need new ones?  What do your stories sound like? Are they quiet and steady or are they roaring and halting?   Before we end the month of January – I’d love to hear what stories bring you comfort.  

Looking forward to making and sharing music with you once again,

Your director of music,


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